Communication Channels with Shareholders
- Distributing the annual report to shareholders through the headquarters and branches in all areas and through the mail.
- Through the bank’s website, where financial and managerial data and reports are published.
- Through the Palestinian Exchange and the Capital Market Authority websites, where financial statements are published quarterly, semi-annually, and annually.
- Announcements in local newspapers.
لمزيد من الاستفسار يمكنكم التواصل مع قسم شؤون المساهمين في البنك الوطني من خلال التالي:
البنك الوطني – الادارة العامة
رام الله- الماصيون- ميدان محمود درويش
هاتف: 02-294 6090 داخلي:9022
فاكس: 02-294 6116