Nowadays, owning a bank account is a necessity, regardless of one’s occupation or monthly income. For this reason, and in accordance with the instructions of the Palestinian Monetary Authority (PMA), The National Bank includes among their portfolio the “Financial Inclusion Account”; for individuals with a limited monthly income, or self-employed individuals, who can benefit through this account from TNB services with easy terms and with zero commission, in addition to carrying out basic banking transactions, without any additional obligations, commissions or fees.
No Fees or Interests
No Minimum Limit to Open Your Account
Free Debit Card (ATM Card)
Financial Inclusion Account Benefits:
- Ability to open this account without a minimum limit
- Exemption from any commissions or fees
- Free debit card (ATM Card)
- Ability to benefit from basic banking services, such as: deposit and withdrawal through ATMs, deposit checks for collection, receive and send money transfers from inside and outside Palestine
- Free text alerts for each transaction on the account
- Ability to access and manage your account at any time and from anywhere through TNB Online and Mobile Banking
- Ability to benefit from TNB Digital Service Center to inquire about your account